Seven Tips when Selling a VoIP Service
January 10, 2020 By
1. Jargon Isn’t Fun
When you’re in the business, your may not be mindful that half your words make no sense to the average person. DDoS, DECT, SMB, ABCDEFG, the list goes on. Your prospects shouldn’t need Google ready to look up every acronym you push out, and many prospects don’t want to seem uninformed because they don’t know everything. Instead, talk to them like a normal person and get to know their needs. By sounding professional, yet down-to-earth, you can go far.
2. Not Tailoring Your Products to the Customer’s Needs
Having a one size fits all solution sounds lovely, yet many clients may not have that. Instead, they may need a certain solution for a particular need. You need to get to know your client and offer them a solution that fits their needs. With that said, if they need an upgrade, like Internet, then you should do that as well.
If a company is growing, they may need an IP PBX for all their analog devices. If you’re working with a bigger company that has complex call routing, voice prioritization, and wants many concurrent calls, you may want to give them a gateway product with better sound and more capacity, with easier integration.
3. What You’re Selling Should Be Complete and Not Only Features
When you’re making that pitch, it needs to have meaning. Instead of blindly saying what a feature it, explain what it does and why it’s important. Here are some examples.
More FXO Ports
For this feature, talk about how more FXO ports can help you use all your analog devices and help to integrate everything to the new system using already owned equipment.
16-port Increment Key Purchase
Keys can increase capacity to a system, and it’s an inexpensive process. In other words, the business’s phone system grows without you having to purchase anything.
Failover Calling Has a Built-In Capacity
This means that it’s possible that if the Internet fails to connect, the system will use a landline instead. This keeps the calls coming while the system is in the process of being repaired.
4. Be Prepared With an Elaborate Installation Plan
By having a plan, it can save you a lot of headaches in the future. Not having a plan means wasting your free time trying to figure out what went wrong.
Make sure you’re trained on what you’re selling. A seller who doesn’t know how to use what they’re selling sounds a bit silly, but it’s quite common. Keep informed and know the ins and outs of your product. This can improve your customer service and prevent any problems from happening.
Other ways to make the deployment a success include:
- The latency should be limited to under 200ms.
- Get a protocol that uses and recognizes voice packets.
- Your switches should be full duplex and be non-blocking.
- The cable, routers, and other hardware should be business grade.
- The voice-capable modems shouldn’t use firewall.
- The DSL should be business class, or you should upgrade.
- The hardware should be IP PBX with quality.
- The Internet service should be focused on private connections.
5. Show Your Security Features
Many VoIP users- approximately 40 percent, do not have any security. This means that your client is vulnerable to hacks, viruses, and other attacks. Your client’s computers, softphones, applications, and other technologies are at risk.
This means that you need to make sure you emphasize your security services and prove to them that it can help give peace of mind.
6. Stay Around for the Change and Training
Many sellers will sell the service and be done, but that’s a missed opportunity. Training new employees should be a service that you offer, since many employees are often intimidated by the change. Even though your product may be configured and ready to go, the employees may need help. Offer some services that can help the transition be as smooth as butter.
7: Don’t Sell Just Boxes
If you’ve followed the first six rules, you should be going well. You’ve offered an explanation of your solution to a customer after listening to their needs. Afterwards, you installed everything with no qualms. Your customers have thanked you and recommended you to others. Now what?
Why not try to sell packages rather than boxes? This way, you can provide great services and customer satisfaction, all while gaining more revenue in the process.
One scenario is to charge to evaluate the network of your client and prepare for the installation. Your hardware and Internet access you supply should be monthly, not a one-off fee. Add training fees, optimization, and other parts of a plan.
This way, your client has a plan for communication, and you gain some profit.