How To Sell Managed VoIP Service

By Crosso

An initial impression is always important, and as a VoIP seller, you need to make that first impression count. Your ad and how you sell it matters. In this post, we’ll explain more.

When writing the ad, make sure to emphasize all of its features and what they can do for your prospect’s company. A well-written ad will help you get the sales, but many don’t see it. Have you ever made an ad, thought it was good, but then never got a call? Here are some tips.

How to Make an Ad

Your ad should have enough info, but not overload your customer. An ad that gets to the point can certainly help things. Your customer doesn’t want to read a novel.

Then, there’s the photo. A photo for your ads can attract more customers, but you need to make it look presentable. Find a photo that illustrates what you’re selling in the best way. Your ad should have a  catchy title, accurate information, and explain everything.

Getting Seen

For online ads, you may have made the best ad, but if you don’t use the right keywords, it may never be seen. Use proper keywords, such as “VoIP providers,” “VoIP services,” “special offer,” and words related to what you’re selling. An SEO expert can help with this.

By mastering the keywords, your ad will go to the front page of Google. Think about your customer. What will they be searching for if they wanted to look for VoIP services? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, so this is something you do need to think about.

Ad Don’ts

  • Avoid using jargon and acronyms. Explain it like you’re talking to someone at the bar.
  • Don’t use too much information. Get to the point.
  • Romanticizing your product is unneeded too.
  • Don’t underestimate the competition. You have many competitors, with more always on the way. Make sure you’re ahead of the competition.

Managed VoIP

These services have an emphasis on user-friendly implementation, management, and use. Managed VoIPs usually are VoIP provider-managed private branch exchanges, or PBXs. Your employees don’t need to do IT, and it’s cheaper overall. You don’t need to pay more for phone lines. Of course, this all depends on how the business is set up. Some may need different services, and you should ofer option.

Some Tips

  • List your services in a clear manner.
  • Your products should work for your customer’s needs.
  • Your customers should feel secure.
  • Make sure their bandwidth can fit.
  • Explain your services, why they’re important for your customer’s goals, and be clear about it. Don’t overload with any jargon.

You Need to Have Product That Fulfill Your Client’s Needs

One of the most important steps in regards to selling is to make sure that you know everything of what the VoIP service has to offer. This includes some downsides as well. Listen to your client and figure out what they need. Don’t assume.

Let’s say a company that uses analog device is growing. Your solution should accommodate those devices as well. Meanwhile, a company that wants to make a lot of concurrent calls will need something more sophisticated, such as a gateway product with bigger capacity, better sound, and more integration.

Bandwidth Checking

As you offer your service, make sure the bandwidth can support it. VoIP services can use quite a bit of bandwidth due to their codecs and applications. You should offer a calculated requirement based on how many applications they use.


VoIP uses mobility, and while that is convenient, it also poses a security risk. As a sales manager, you need to offer security features like encryption for voice and authentication. Emphasize the risks of not having security and how much damage it can cause should there be a breach.

All of these tips can help you sell your service to a customer who will be satisfied with what you have.